Nava Ship Management

Nava Ship Management
Climate change and New Energy

NAVA is positioning its business to help drive long-term sustainable growth in Asia’s transition to a low-carbon economy. Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, we believe the post-2020 climate actions outlined by key countries will set the pace for global transition towards a lower emissions economy. Our actions are guided by the principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Nava’s climate change strategy focuses on resources efficiency and builds optionality into supply chains. We support an energy and climate change framework that encourages future investments that will reduce emissions, drive energy security and sustained economic growth.

Integrate Climate Risk and Opportunity

Our in-house research tracks factors that impact supply and demand such as climate change and extreme weather events. Insights about potential impacts on our businesses and investments are considered in our investment decisions and capital allocation processes. A transition to cleaner energy sources means investing in products such as technology and rare earth metals for solar panels and batteries for electric vehicles. Nava is positioning its businesses and investing in the supply chains for cleaner fuel blends and raw materials for alternative energy sources.